SpendidlySaid operates on the premise that it makes no sense to “just say something” when you could say it splendidly instead.

Apes are great. But you don’t want to sound like one when it comes to business communications, right?
Language, and the proper use of it, is often treated as a luxury in a world where soundbites, text messages and Twitter feeds dominate much of our public discourse, but websites, press releases, brochure copy, magazine columns, advertisements and any number of viable communication vehicles still allow business and individuals to slow down their speech and communicate creatively.
The goal is to help you connect with your clients, customers and stakeholders by producing editorial that informs, educates and inspires. We’ll help you upgrade your content and add meaning to your messages on your branding, advertising, marketing and editorial projects.
Typical tasks include:
** substantive rewriting for seemingly-unsalvageable copy
** nuanced restructuring of dull, tiresome text
** grammar checks and “soft tinkerings” for mediocre manuscripts
** nit-picky proofreading for off-to-the-presses printed products
Whatever the assignment, SplendidlySaid offers the assurance that the writing will be crisp, the deadlines will be met, the communication will be clear, the clients will be happy and the finished work will make you look good.
Contact us to discuss your editorial needs and get a custom quote.
Write erogers@splendidlysaid.com or call 972-965-7947.
Rates for various SplendidlySaid editorial services range according to variables like project specifications, turnaround times and research requirements. Click HERE for general PRICING Guidelines.