Rates for SplendidlySaid editorial services vary according to particulars like project specifications, turnaround times, wordcount variances and research requirements.
The prices below are intended to provide a general reference point.
Please call 972-965-7947 to discuss your specific editorial needs and get a CUSTOM QUOTE.

Call to discuss your editorial needs and budget constraints. We pride ourselves on providing value and splendid service.
PerfectlyProofed $35 an hour
Proofreading Services
Copyediting/RightRewrites $45-$55 an hour
Editorial Research, $55 an hour
Interviewing, Media (Per Project rates
Outreach & PR/Mktg considered)
Web Development Projects Request quote
Feature Writing Request quote
Social Media Management Request quote
(monthly Editorial Mapping and
Content Development/Production fees)
Branding/Strategic PR Projects Request quote
Newsletters – online & print $350-$1000
(Hourly rate or Retainer fee)
SplendidStories ADVERTORIALS $600-$900
Book Manuscripts / Ghostwriting Request quote (Hourly rate or Retainer fee)
Fees may change according to project particulars such as:
** quality and length of original manuscripts
** needed-it-yesterday deadline requirements (rush orders)
** basic copyediting vs substantial rewriting (salvage operations)
** labor-intensive researching vs at-the-ready background information
If you have multiple needs and specific editorial projects that don’t seem to fit within these categories, please contact us for a CUSTOM QUOTE.
Want to discuss your troublesome editorial projects, urgent web development chores and other creative communications products that require some SplendidlySaid TLC?
Write to or call 972-965-7947.
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P.S. Don’t despair if you catch our voicemail instead a live person.
Voicemails IMMEDIATELY link to our mobile cellular devices, so you can always count on a prompt callback.
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