By finessing your branding and community relations messages, we’ll show you how to WRITE WELL & FLY RIGHT.
Time to give that dull company newsletter a facelift and fill that pricey-but-undeveloped website with powerful prose that sets profits soaring. We’ll help you find the words that take flight.
As lifelong reporters and writers, we specialize in cutting through the crud and sorting through the mental clutter to cultivate and create the stories that give your customers, clients, staff and stakeholders a clear and strong sense of who you are, why your company is great and what others will find special about you.
This is storytelling in it’s truest form. It isn’t about make-believe machinations or fiction writing, it’s about “wordplay,” which we consider both an artform and a labor of love. For us, the fun comes from helping you get your messages out there with both meaning and style, so you can clearly articulate some of your most important “talking points” in a way that helps you stand out from the crowd and forge real and beneficial relationships with your buying public.
Choose your words wisely and use them well. When you communicate creatively, everybody wins.
Add meaning to your messages and show ’em what you know.
Call 972-965-7947 or email Elaine Rogers at erogers@splendidlysaid.com