You’re right: cats aren’t good proofreaders, but WE ARE. Call us to discuss our proofreading and copyediting services. We’ll make sure all your media materials say it “Write.”
Specializing in making you look good, grammar guru Elaine Rogers of SplendidlySaid runs a two-tiered proofreading & editing program that covers all the bases of our client’s basic proofreading and substantial editing needs. This PerfectlyProofed proofreading service provides that final and all-important finishing touch that comes from having an experienced set of expert eyes to check (and re-check) your corporate communication materials and miscellaneous editorial projects — making sure your editorial is error-free and press-ready, so you can breathe easy when your project goes to print.
Basic PerfectlyProofed proofreading projects range from web posts and company blogs to marketing materials, stakeholder publications and B2B magazines. (Fact-checking services also offered.)
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When your editorial woes seem hopeless and your text requires intensive corrections and rewriting, Elaine will roll up her sleeves, grab a mean red pen and salvage your seemingly-hopeless editorial projects with an intense RightRewrites treatment. Reworking poorly-produced copy is often a daunting task for folks who don’t love writing as much as she does, but Elaine makes it look easy — which is GREAT NEWS FOR YOU when deadlines loom and your bosses are breathing down your neck.
We understand how copywriting projects get broken. We’ve seen (and salvaged) manscripts that made us want to slash our own wrists too. Often, it starts with a well-intentioned researcher who gathers the facts and dutifully documents the data, but winds up with a dry, unimaginative manuscript that reads like a plagiarized Wikipedia page. A second draft might take bad to worse when an inexperienced intern or an unenthused manager gets out the proverbial ax and hacks away the important stuff, leaving a new version that still lacks originality and style.
With RightRewrites services, Elaine will take that “stale batter” and bake a killer cake.
How can we help?
Typical PerfectlyProofed and RightRewrites projects include:
** proofing brochures, newsletters and company publications
** content development and website repairs
Give meaning to your messages and make your words sing!
Call 214-717-4737 or email Elaine Rogers at erogers@splendidlysaid.com.